Sunday, June 10, 2007

Exporting the Cinematic Unisystem Success Chart

So the Success system & GM free rolling option in Cinematic is pretty cool.

What about importing it into SotC?

I'd say have the Scale start at 3 for Average.

How about FASERIP?

Start at 1 & move up.


40K + Unisystem Cinematic + Fate

So I'm really, really trying to wait for BI's 40K...but I had an interesting idea:

WFRP2E(Assuming 40K's attributes)
Cinematic Unisystem's SKills (If I don't use individual Skill Levels, they'd simply add 3 for Training & an additional +1 for each Mastery)
Aspects from FATE 3

Combined with Cinematic's Success Chart.