Monday, September 26, 2005


So today, right about now, I was born into this world. Happy Birthday to me. I've hrumphed some today. Mostly trivial stuff. Had to eat crow. Had to miss a dinner (sorry B, C & R). Had lunch with my mom & dad! And barely had time to be with my kids...

Thats the problem with the new digs, I love em, but sometimes I wish P could stay home or maybe both of us worked half the amount we do...oh well. Not yet.
But its getting there. I had the ephiphany last week that the goal we've been working for, won't be some big switch its lots of little, bittie things everyday that I take on. And between you & me...I'm not sure its worth it. But I'm gonna finish it, 'cause thats what I do.

A big hug to all my friends, my family and my partner.

Extra big hug to H, M, & E.

Cya on the road to 34.

Make good choices.


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