Well, I'm moving a little backwards in my thinking. I've spent the week really looking at wether I want a Minimal (roll high) system or a Maximal (Roll Below) system. A Max system is easy on the GM & I have a very simple solution to how to determine simple difficulty mods or opposed rolls. Essentially a player looks at their Skill Level...lets say its a 67%. On a Simple task he rolls & if he succeeds its a done deal. On an Everyday task, the GM simply asks if he has the skill. If the GM thinks its a little tougher he sets a Difficulty Number (DN) between 1 & 5. The player rolls, if he passes his roll, he looks at his One's die AND if its higher than the GM's DN, he succeeds. In an opposed roll, both player's roll, if both player's pass their rolls, the Player with the Highest One's Die, wins.
So Ahmed wants to punch Lassiter. Ahmed has a 81% in Punching. Lassiter has a 66% in Dodge. Ahmed rolls a 73. Lassiter rolls a 19. Both pass, but Lassiter dodges Ahmed's blow.
I like this system. The One's die is arbitrary, but why use a percentile if the one's die is so secondary?
HOWEVER, I like Minimal (roll high systems). They feel right to me. And if its my game it should feel right to me. I doubt I'll ever publish this. Its not my thing. And if I did, some of my ideas have some overtures to FUZION. So I might have to get a license anyway.
Here is what I'm thinking:
Skills will either a)Have very specific funtions (Int gives extra skill points, Ref gives a bonus to Initiative, Str a bonus to damage, Con a bounus to hit points, Personality bonus contact, and Proffession a bonus to skills that fall under your career) OR b)Let you roll extra D10's that YOU DO NOT KEEP.
Not sure how to go yet on that one. Its the next big question.
Basically the system is that your skills Default to a d10 roll. You can then go from -2 to +6 or more in them. Rolling a 1, means you have to roll again & another 1 is a critical failure. Rolling a 10 means you roll again, on a 1-5 you add that number & reroll 5's, you ignore 6-10 and stop rolling.
Thats the basics.
I have lunch with Todd monday. I miss going over this stuff with him.
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