Monday, May 21, 2007

Spells as Feat Emulation

Basically this dumps the existing spell system for giving Spellcasters a Feat emulation system.

Drop Wizards, Clerics & Druids. Haven't worked out Bards, Paladins or Rangers yet, so bear with me.

Each Spell Level they give up gives them a Bonus Feat that they can use with a Magical Trapping. So, if I Spellcaster & I take Heavy Armor Proficiency---I call it Eldrtich Armor & I summon Armor at will as a power. It will start as the lowest class of Heavy Armor & have all of its stats, but I can "research" it...i.e. buy better Eldritch Armor & improve it, as if I was buying new armor.

Sneak Attack can be done like this as Shadow Rend.

I'd use the basic Cleric Set-up, give them Bonus Feats on any level they would have gained a Spell Casting Level.

More Later...

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