Thursday, November 05, 2009

D&D 4E

Rob & I were talking the other night & he was explaining his appreciation for 4E.

I think 4E is extrordinarily well-designed RPG. I also think if it were from another publisher & not D&D it would have been more universally praised. And if it were from an Indie publisher would have been the next darling of that scene.

However, my main problem isn't that 4E does anything to prohibit the role playing experience, its that its use of miniatures promotes a board game experience for me. 4E is not a board game, but its so laser focused in doing the D&D experience the best it can, it takes on some board game like attributes.

I think you can, with alot of work, remove miniatures from 4E. But its just as easy to play another game.

FASERIP inspired system for BRP

3 Levels corresponding to Green/Yellow/Red:

Skill; Skill/2; Skill/10
Could be Bronze, Silver & Gold

Adding a 4th Level:

a) Skill; S/2; S/4; S/8

b) Skill; S/2; S/5; S/10

Note in either of thsese a roll of 94% or higher is a failure; At 100% it raises to 95%; 200% to 96%, etc.

In an opposed situation, results of the same level look at the highest die roll for the winner.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009


Skelet from C&C

Assign Dice pools to 6 attributes +1 or 2 Dice for Primes

+1 or 2 Dice for Class Abilities or Features

Level is the number of Fate Points per Session

Damage track like Fate

Damage is total from successful skill check

Light armor X/2, Medium is X/5, Heavy is X/10

C&C Idea

Class & Half characters

+Tome of Secrets Background (give Level to checks)

+Worshipper Benefits from Of Gods & Monsters

+Basic Fantasy Class Extras

= Pretty customized characters

HeroQuest+Fate Wound Track

There are 5 Wound Levels


Level is equal to total of roll


There are 8 Wound Levels


Level is equal to number on Die

Work like Fate

Rifts+Step System from Earthdawn


A)Attribute+Level = Step


B)Divide 10 points amongs Primary, Secondary & Other Skill Categories (Points in the category are added to Level for any skill in that category.

Weapon Skill = Level + A or B

Hand to Hand training is applied to Defense/Inititiative

None = Level+X-3

Basic = Level +X/Level +X

Expert = Level +X/Level+X+1

Martial Arts = LEvel +X /Level +X+2 to Init & Damage

Assassin = Level+X/Level+X+2 & Anyone who misses the Assassin in Melee combat takes Step 5 in Damage

Damage for Str is divided for 4

Hit Points = 9 Health Ranks


WOrks like Fate

Savage Worlds + FATE wound track

There are 5 Wound Levels:


Each level corresponds to Toughness(Including Armor)x the Level

Vigor of D8 = Toughness of 6 (with Light Armor+1) = 7.

7/14 /21/28/35

-0/ -1/-2-/ -3/ -3

Monday, November 02, 2009

"Official" HP Ideas for SW


Real quick system that hasn't been checked for huge and obvious bugs... Based haveily on the Fading Suns system, so it's a low hit point system, not D&D.

Every hero has the usual -3, -2, -1.

You then get a number of hitpoints equal to you Vigor die.

So with d6 Vigor you'd get... -3, -2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Damage remains unchanged in how it's rolled, but every whole 4 points equates to a hit point lost.

So if I rolled a 9, that's be 2 hp lost on my victim.

Armor protects by subtracting its rating from the damage roll. My chain mail (+2) would mean 7 damage in the above example, so I'd take just one hp damage.

When your hp total drops to a negative modifier, you start to suffer the penalties

._________________Wiggy Creative Director Triple Ace Games


Hopefully, when your group gives the rules as they are a try, they will be pleasantly surprised.

If not, I'd suggest keeping the rules 90% as is.


1. Set base Toughness as the "Shaken Threshold" and Toughness+4 as the "Damage Threshold." Any damage that exceeds the Shaken Threshold causes the character to be Shaken, and any that exceeds the Damage Threshold is subtracted from Hit Points.

If the character is already Shaken, then his Shaken Threshold becomes his Damage Threshold. For example, a PC with a d8 Vigor and Chain Armor (+2 Armor) has a base Toughness of 8(2) by the core rules.

By this rule, he has... Shaken Threshold: 8(2) Damage Threshold: 12(2)

If he takes more than 8 points of damage, he will be Shaken, and if he takes more than 12 points, it is subtracted from his Hit Points.

If he is already Shaken, then if he take more than 8 points of damage it is subtracted from HPs.

2. Every character has 12 Hit Points, and every 4 HPs taken (or fraction thereof) inflicts a cumulative -1 wound penalty. (1-4 HPs = -1; 5-8 HPs= -2; 9-12 = -3).

3. Bennie can still remove a Shaken, and Soaking works with a Vigor roll only any result beyond a normal success (4) is subtracted from HP loss to a minimum of 0.

i.e. Character above takes 15 points of damage, resulting in a loss of 3 HPs.

They spend a Benny to Soak and roll a 6, so 2 points are deducted and he only takes 1 point of damage but it still Shaken.

If he had rolled a 7 or better, he would have removed all the damage and not been Shaken.

4. At this point, two options. Roll for Incapacitation as normal when the character takes more than 12 HPs of damage, or the character is Unconscious if they go to 0 to -Vigor/2 and bleeding out if they go beyond Vigor/2 to their full Vigor die, and dead if they take more than their Vigor die

._________________Clint Black Savage Worlds Core Rules Brand Manager

Hit Points for Savage Worlds

2 ideas:

From Feng Shui

1-15 (-0)

16-20 (-1)

21-25 (-2)

26-30 (-3)

31 to 30+Vigor (Down)

30+Vigor+1 (Dead/Injured)


Vigor of 8

1-15 (-0)

16-20 (-1)

21-25 (-2)

26-30 (-3)

31-38 (Down)

39+ (Dead/Injured)


I've played SW for awhile, since its 1E. I like Hit Points. I'm not going to defend it. I'd like SW better with Hit Points.

I keep thinking of having 5 Health Levels. Each level is equal to your Vigor x the level.

Going over the 5th level means death or severe injury.

Vigor x 1 (-0)

Vigor x 2 (-1)

Vigor x 3 (-2)

Vigor x 4 (-3)

Vigor x 5 (Down)

Vigor x 5+1 (Dead)

So Vigor of D8:

1-8 points (-0)

9-16 points (-1)

17-24 (-2)

25-32 (-3)

33-40 (Down)

41+ (Dead)

This is shortened version of the L5R Wound Track (And however many other RPG's). I doubt I'll see any 1 shot kills, but with exploding dice its possilbe. Shaken is removed. Wound table is currently removed.

Soak rolls just absorb the number rolled.

So if I soak with my D8 Vigor & get lucky & roll an 11.

11 less points of damage are applied to my Hit Points/Wound Levels.

Extras will have 1 HP.

Cast members (NPCs) will have 10 HP.

I'm sure I'm missing something.

Constructive criticism is welcomed.