Monday, December 04, 2006


Everything you do starts with a D20 roll.

Each PC/NPC defaults to 0 in anything they attempt to do.

Characters get 25 points to spend on Descriptors.

A Narrow Descriptor costs 1 pt per +1 bonus (or the reverse if its negative)

A Broad Descriptor costs 3 pts per +1 bonus (or the reverse if its negative)

A bonus can be given to an ability/skill, damage roll, any die roll.

PC's have 25 Hit Points modififed by any Descriptor that adds HPs.

Example Character:

Logan Greystar
+x is rank; (x) is cost

Thief +4(12)
Good with a Sword +3(3)
Studied under Le'Fleur +2 DMG(2)
Lightning Reflexes +2(2)
Works in the Sons of the Crow Thieves Guild +2(2)
Smart +2(4)


Very specific skill list say from Savage Worlds for the moment or Cinematic Unisystem.

Skills Default to 0.

You can take up to a max of -5 in Skills for Bonus Skill Points.

Attributes either serve a specific function:
Str +DMG
Con +HP
Dex +Init
Int +Skill Points
Wis +taking 10 or 20
Char +Rerolls


They are +5 to any action they effect.

Class is either a Die Bonus (D8 or D10)


There are Talents (which give an extra die you KEEP for a specific skill) or Profession (which gives an extra die you ROLL & keep ONLY the BEST for a group of skills)


PC's get an Die Explosion on 10's & 20's.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Fate of Exalted

Ok, so Exalted with Fate 3.

I'm ditching Charms. Stunts replace them.

Exalted all get 1 extra Stunt Free.






Saturday, December 02, 2006

House Rules for a Post-Apocalyptic Earth Ravaged by Dimensional Breaches

I get my main inspiration from the Siege Engine by Troll Lord Games.

Right now I'm still using the Breaches Attributes, but I use the Siege Engine Attribute Mods & Primes. Humans still get 3. Everything else gets 2. I'm conscidering adding another, due to the extra number of Attributes OR switching to Siege's Attributes.

Primes, however give a +5 Bonus.

Basically you still select Skills per Breaches, but your Rank is simply equal to your Level (however any +X% or divided by 5 is applied). Weapon Skills prevent you from having a -4 Non-Proficiency penalty & adds a damage bonus equal to Level/5.
Hand to Hand Training: Basic gives you a BAB of Level/2 (equal to a Mage).
Hand to Hand: Expert gives you a BAB equal to Level x 3/4 (equal to a Cleric).
Hand to Hand Martial arts gives you a BAB equal to Level (equal to Fighter) +1D6 bonus on any Melee damage.
Hand to Hand: Assassin gives you a BAB equal to Level + 1D6 bonus on any Ranged damage.

Any Saving Throws are handled by Attributes.

I use the D20 System Difficulty Class system for Skills checks & Saving Throws.

And the D20 System Armor Class system for Combat checks.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Castle & Crusades House Rules

1) Scrap the 12/18 base DC's. Instead, Primes give a +5 Bonus when used. DC's are then calculated per D&D 3.X/D20.

2) Each Player has 5 Action Points that refresh at the beginning of each session. An Action Point can be spent to give +1D6 Bonus to any Dice Roll a PC attempts. It must be specified BEFORE the die hits the table. So you can get a +1D6 Bonus to a Save, Level Check, Class Ability, Combat Roll, etc. Spellcasters can even roll 1D6 to Regenerate cast spell slots. However, the Regenerate from the lowest to the highest. So, if I've cast 3 1st Level, 2 2nd Level, 2 3rd Level & 1 4th Level spells today. And I spend an Action Point to Regenerate & roll a 4, then ONLY my 3 1st Level & 1 of my 2nd Level Spell Slots Return & may be cast again.
As an Option, I do allow a PC to spend an Action Point for +1D6 Bonus to their AC for a Round.
I also will reward an immediate free Action Point for a good description of an what a player is doing or if they make me laugh. The Point is either used on the roll being described or the next roll the player makes.

3) Classes may use any weapon, but they only do damage equal to their Hit Die.

4) Characters may be customized by Saving Action Points. At the end of any session, a player may spend unused Action Points to Improve their character. They choose an specific area to improve that has been used during the past session. The can roll any number of unused Action Points, and if any of the dice roll a 6, then that area, depending on its breadth, may improve. It doesn't matter if more than 1 die comes up a 6. A +1 is the max that can be gained per session from a Successful Improvement Roll.

A)A Skill (which includes Class Abilities, or player defined skills) gets a +1 with 1 Successful Improvement Roll. Note: BAB cannot be improved, but +1 with Long Swords, Daggers, or even Medium Shields (+1 AC) can be achieved.

B)A Specific Weapons gets a +1 Damage Bonus with 1 Successful Improvement Roll.

C)A Specific Spell can be cast one extra time per day with 1 Successful Improvement Roll.

D)Saving Throws can get a +1 bonus with 2 Successful Improvement Rolls (so a minimum of 2 sessions).

E)Attributes can get a +1 bonus with 4 Successful Improvement Rolls (so a minimu of 4 sessions).

F)Note that bonuses from Improvement Rolls do stack. So if I get 4 Successful Improvement Rolls on my Long Sword Skill, I have a +4 Bonus to my BAB when using a Long Sword.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

What to do, what to do

Ok, so I ran my first story arc in Ptolus. I used True20, but I really am not to keen on the damage system.

So, I'm thinking of switching to Fate 3, Savage Worlds, nWoD, Unisystem or D&D.

Another approach is to just add Hit Dice to T20 & set Max Damage threshold at 10 over Combat, or 12 in Damage.

Fate 3 is kind of mind blowing for me.

Savage Worlds is pretty damn cool & the DL rules help magic out.

nWoD looks FAST.

Unisystem is cool becaus D&Z is cool.

D&D is tempting.



Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I've got alot of ideas floating around my head:

1)WFRP 2E Adventure that is outlined

2)Thundarr using nWoD- Savagery (1per+1 die); Super Science (1per+1 success); Sorcery (1per+1 die, 9 again, Morality rolls don't get 10 again)


System: Attributes & Skills are rated 1 to 10. When attempting a skill, roll a D10 at or under your attribute & skill (if you have it). If you succeed at one, compare the number rolled for difficulty. If you succeed at both, compare the number rolled x2 to difficulty.

4)Serenity/Bravestarr--change the damage system to Skill + Weapon, keep highest. Wounding Weapons can take you out with one hit if they succeed by your Vitality Die by 2.

5)Thieves world via nWoD

6)BPRD via nWoD

7)SPirit of the Century--probably using FS die mechanice, in place of Fudge Dice

8)Feng Shui

9)WFRP 2E or MRQ/BRP using a D20 system where you have to roll 20+to succeed.

10)Rifts via C&C

11)True20 D&D


Monday, May 08, 2006

Full Dark

Well I'm really close to finalizing the direction the mechanics will take & have a kernel on the hook of the setting.

Ruleswise its Either:

1)Dice pool system, where an even result is a success.

2)Variant Percentile system.

More later, work calls.


Saturday, March 25, 2006

Setting a Course

Well, I'm moving a little backwards in my thinking. I've spent the week really looking at wether I want a Minimal (roll high) system or a Maximal (Roll Below) system. A Max system is easy on the GM & I have a very simple solution to how to determine simple difficulty mods or opposed rolls. Essentially a player looks at their Skill Level...lets say its a 67%. On a Simple task he rolls & if he succeeds its a done deal. On an Everyday task, the GM simply asks if he has the skill. If the GM thinks its a little tougher he sets a Difficulty Number (DN) between 1 & 5. The player rolls, if he passes his roll, he looks at his One's die AND if its higher than the GM's DN, he succeeds. In an opposed roll, both player's roll, if both player's pass their rolls, the Player with the Highest One's Die, wins.

So Ahmed wants to punch Lassiter. Ahmed has a 81% in Punching. Lassiter has a 66% in Dodge. Ahmed rolls a 73. Lassiter rolls a 19. Both pass, but Lassiter dodges Ahmed's blow.

I like this system. The One's die is arbitrary, but why use a percentile if the one's die is so secondary?

HOWEVER, I like Minimal (roll high systems). They feel right to me. And if its my game it should feel right to me. I doubt I'll ever publish this. Its not my thing. And if I did, some of my ideas have some overtures to FUZION. So I might have to get a license anyway.

Here is what I'm thinking:

Skills will either a)Have very specific funtions (Int gives extra skill points, Ref gives a bonus to Initiative, Str a bonus to damage, Con a bounus to hit points, Personality bonus contact, and Proffession a bonus to skills that fall under your career) OR b)Let you roll extra D10's that YOU DO NOT KEEP.

Not sure how to go yet on that one. Its the next big question.

Basically the system is that your skills Default to a d10 roll. You can then go from -2 to +6 or more in them. Rolling a 1, means you have to roll again & another 1 is a critical failure. Rolling a 10 means you roll again, on a 1-5 you add that number & reroll 5's, you ignore 6-10 and stop rolling.

Thats the basics.

I have lunch with Todd monday. I miss going over this stuff with him.


Sunday, March 19, 2006

Road Blocks

Where I always run into road blocks are game mechanics. I can't focus. I have too many ideas.

I want a simple system for the GM to set Difficulty & a simple system for the Player to check for success. But I also want a cross between Castle Falkenstein's Skill System & Over the Edge's Dice Mechanic. And then there are the other ideas.

On one hand I want say a Default of 10 (with no limit) in Skill. The GM then sets Difficluty by the amount of Dice the Player rolls:
1D Simple
2D Easy
3D Average
4D Challenging
5D Hard
6D Difficult
7D S.O.L.

On the other hand you could have Skills Default to 2d & then the better you are, the more dice you roll. Difficulty on the Dice could be Standard of 4 OR the GM could set the number.

Then there is the lighter rules method.

Skills Default to 1D10, if you have a Skill the first level in it gives you 2D10, basically you & the GM or other player could simply dice off, with the high roll winning. However, additional Skill levels grant 1 automatic success either per scene or session.

So if I the Guns skill at level 5, it would look like this:
Guns (2d/4), I would roll 2d10 whenver I used it AND 4 times in a set period could automatically succeed

More later.



I've been doing alot of thinking about FD. I want a simple, approachable system that allows you creat a character from a novel, quickly & easily.

I have some thoughts on character creation being some simple questions, with the answers being tied to the mechanics.

What do you do for a living?

Did you go to College or into the Military & if so, what was your major/specialty?

What are you interested in?

What is your hobby?

Are you Strong, Smart, Quick, Healthy, Wise, or Charming?

Are you Weak, Dumb, Clumsy, Sickly, Gullible or Mean?

From those questions I'd like to build a character set in a modern world.

Thats how I'd like character creation to go.


Sunday, February 26, 2006

Every. Single. Day.

Well I won't accomplish that. I just won't. I'd hoped to have spent some time working with Todd on Full Dark, but it hasn't happened. LGD is still me & Pris. Although if a certain friend has a falling out with someone, I might make an overture to right a wrong. Todd has a new love & he deserves to follow that right now.

I've decide to use this as a signpost for my gaming ideas.

I'm really infatuated with Green Ronin's True20 variation on the D20 system. Currently a friend is running Star Wars with it. I'm thinking of working something out for Full Dark with it.

More later.