Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Framewerk + ORE


So you roll your dice pool & look for either your highest single die, matches, or straight.

Randomly roll a D10 for Initiative & for Hit Location OR just abandon Hit Location. Or just set a certain die for Initiative.

Skills could either just be a separate pool or just add their value.

Skills in Framewerk are rolled & Attribute added.
Attributes are halved & rolled.

So Hard Dice could add 1 per die. If I have 3D + 4HD. I roll 7D, take the best result & add 4.
Or Hard Dice could be either automaticall 5, 6, 7, or 10. 5 or 6 is my preference.
Or Hard Dice could all be equal to the roll of 1D. So if I roll a 5 & have 3 HD I have 15.

Wobble Dice could be whatever you want or each WD could be worth 2 plus the highest trash die. So 6D+3WD. I roll 9D, take best result & add 6 plus 1d10.
Also Aberrant using the FATE Damage Track AND having SOAK work just like in nWoD.

Also what is the system of Unhallowed Metropolis??

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