Monday, November 16, 2009
I Ice we trust
Arcane Genius for Wow
Ice Elemental Macro
Thursday, November 05, 2009
D&D 4E
I think 4E is extrordinarily well-designed RPG. I also think if it were from another publisher & not D&D it would have been more universally praised. And if it were from an Indie publisher would have been the next darling of that scene.
However, my main problem isn't that 4E does anything to prohibit the role playing experience, its that its use of miniatures promotes a board game experience for me. 4E is not a board game, but its so laser focused in doing the D&D experience the best it can, it takes on some board game like attributes.
I think you can, with alot of work, remove miniatures from 4E. But its just as easy to play another game.
FASERIP inspired system for BRP
Skill; Skill/2; Skill/10
Could be Bronze, Silver & Gold
Adding a 4th Level:
a) Skill; S/2; S/4; S/8
b) Skill; S/2; S/5; S/10
Note in either of thsese a roll of 94% or higher is a failure; At 100% it raises to 95%; 200% to 96%, etc.
In an opposed situation, results of the same level look at the highest die roll for the winner.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
C&C Idea
HeroQuest+Fate Wound Track
There are 5 Wound Levels
Level is equal to total of roll
There are 8 Wound Levels
Level is equal to number on Die
Work like Fate
Rifts+Step System from Earthdawn
Savage Worlds + FATE wound track
Monday, November 02, 2009
"Official" HP Ideas for SW
Hit Points for Savage Worlds
Monday, October 19, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
C&C Customization System
3-5 points at Level 1
1 per level starting at 2nd
1 point for +1 to Hit with a Weapon
1 point for +1 Damage with a Weapon
1 point for +1 Parry to AC (melee)
1 point for +1 Dodge to AC (ranged)
1 point for +1 Warding to AC (magic)
1 point to cast a specific spell 1 extra times per day
1 point for +1 with a Specific Save
4 points for +1 to an Attribute
1 point for +1 to Hit with a Spell
1 point for +1 Damage with a Spell
1 point for +1 with a Skill
Monday, August 17, 2009
And so it goes
Fantasy Craft is interesting, but I don't know if I can or should convert the characters.
Hero 6 is out.
I'm conscidering changing the Skills to the OSV/DSV model.
Att/5 = Initial Rank for 3 points.
Familiarity = SV of 1? Bonus Die? SV-2?
Unskilled = SV of 0? -1? Penalty Die? SV-4?
Hero Points
Change a power
+2 to Damage multiplier
+2 to Hit
+2 to Defense
Power Stunt
Aid Another +2 to Hit or Def
5 rDR or 1/2 Damage after defenses
+10 Stun
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Trailblazer House Rules
The Bard gets to substitutue his Rank in each Perform skill whith 2 Skills chosen when he takes his 1st rank in that Perform skill.
Ex. Todd has 10 Ranks in Perform: Acting. He can use those Ranks in Bluff & Sense Motive.
He also has 10 Ranks in Perform: Singing. He can also use those Ranks in Intimidate & Listen.
Characters get 6 + 1/2 Level in Action Points & they are a Per Session Resource.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Action Points for Trailblazer
Uses for Action Points:
1 to automatically convert a threat to a Critical Hit
1 to refresh all Single Target Spells
1 to refresh all Multi-Target Spells
1 to refresh a single Major Spell (Polymorph, Wish, more as the GM needs to add them)
1 to regain 1/2 your total Hit Points
1 to reroll any Die Roll & keep the better of the two
1 for +1d8 damage
1 for +1d4 to Spell DC
1 to do something "Cool"
1 to refresh a used Spell Slot while in combat
1 to gain a Feat for 1 until the end of the round, you may gain Feats in chain this way if you have enough action points. The only prerequisite for Feats this way are other Feats & Level.
Generally one Action Point of each type may be used at one time.
Chapter 1
While coming within the limits of Saltmarsh, they spot the greasy smoke of several fires. Sparkles investigates, sees the ruins of the city and a Wyvern dining on the remains of some its inhabitants. On his way back, he sees movement from the fields & here's moans. A zombie squad is fast approaching, guided by a Dust Mephit.
They dispatch the zombies & see the Mephit leading the Wyvern to attack.
The Wyvern kills Schaefer but they defeat it, even after it catches fire.
Soon after a black coach comes speeding up, driven by the Tall Man. Sparkles let's loose with a Fireball. The Tall man is unharmed, one of the inhabitants is instantly killed & the Chosen One is eventually slain.
They camp & continue their journey. Sparkles scouts further ahead & sees the remains of the defeat of an Arcanist & the siege on Tristor.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Dice would either be some variation on %, 4dF, or d6-d6.
0-2 levels above DC would be Green
3-5 levels would be Yellow
6+ would be Red
Health would be more like FATE, but that leaves Armor being weird.
Ok so if you use FASERIP straight, then a Yellow result does a minimum of 1/10 damage & Red does 2/10 damage minimum. less changes than I though.
What is your Past?
What is your job?
What do you see in your Future?
HMb: The Battle Mage
Elf = 25BP
Halfling = 75BP
Human = 25BP
Level HD (d4) T.S.P. v Spells AB Initiative
1 1 140 0 0 +2
2 R+1 190 +1 0 +2
3 2 260 +1 0 +2
4 R+2 340 +2 0 +2
5 3 430 +2 +1 +1
Prepared for Battle-Battle Mages are so well trained at casting Missle/Fireball spells they can have materials on hand in 1 second instead of 1d4.
Level 5 Simul-Casting-A Battle Mage cast 2 spells at the same time, but they must be of offensive or defnsive nature.
Combat Clarity-Battle Mages roll D20-4 to defend while casting.
Proficiencies-Weapons are per Mages. Armor is not retricted, but none are granted as a bonus.
Per Mage.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
HMb: The Monk
Elf = 75BP
Halfling = 75BP
Human = 23BP
Level HD (d6) AB Def Speed Initiative
1 2 0 +2 -1 -1
2 R+2 +1 +2 -1 -1
3 3 +1 +3 -1 -1
4 R+3 +1 +3 -2 -2
5 4 +2 +4 -2 -2
Superior Defense-Per the Thief
Level 1-Intimidating Display - If not surprised or ambushed in combat, a Monk's Initiative Die is 1 size lower.
Level 2 Improvise Weapon-A Monk can turn any ordinary object into a weapon.
Level 3 Pass Without Trace-A Monk may traverse any terrain without leaving a mark, but he can only do so by Walking.
Level 4 Self-Healing-Once per Day a Monk can heal 1d4p+1/2 Level.
Level 5 Really Intimidating Display-Per Intimidating Display, but 2 Initiative Die sizes lower.
Weapon Specializaion-Per Fighter, except Monks cannot specialize in hurled weapons.
SkillsA beginning Monk recieves his first purchase of each of the following core skills for free (no BP cost): Climbing/Rappelling, Hiding, Identify Trap, Listening, Sneaking.
Core Skill Advancement
At 2nd and each subsequent level, a monk recieves (at no BP cost) on roll of the appropriate Mastery die in any two of the 5 core Monk Skills.
Bonus Skills
Monks get their first purchase of the Acrobatics skill for free and may purchase additional rolls at half BP cost.
Open Hand 2d4p 7(5) S 1 foot Crushing
Kick (1d4+1d6)p 10 M 3 feet Crushing
*Ki-A Monk has 5+Level per Day Ki Points. Each point may be spent to increase damage on an Open Hand or Kick that successfully hits.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Framewerk + ORE
So you roll your dice pool & look for either your highest single die, matches, or straight.
Randomly roll a D10 for Initiative & for Hit Location OR just abandon Hit Location. Or just set a certain die for Initiative.
Skills could either just be a separate pool or just add their value.
Skills in Framewerk are rolled & Attribute added.
Attributes are halved & rolled.
So Hard Dice could add 1 per die. If I have 3D + 4HD. I roll 7D, take the best result & add 4.
Or Hard Dice could be either automaticall 5, 6, 7, or 10. 5 or 6 is my preference.
Or Hard Dice could all be equal to the roll of 1D. So if I roll a 5 & have 3 HD I have 15.
Wobble Dice could be whatever you want or each WD could be worth 2 plus the highest trash die. So 6D+3WD. I roll 9D, take best result & add 6 plus 1d10.
Also Aberrant using the FATE Damage Track AND having SOAK work just like in nWoD.
Also what is the system of Unhallowed Metropolis??