Monday, December 04, 2006


Very specific skill list say from Savage Worlds for the moment or Cinematic Unisystem.

Skills Default to 0.

You can take up to a max of -5 in Skills for Bonus Skill Points.

Attributes either serve a specific function:
Str +DMG
Con +HP
Dex +Init
Int +Skill Points
Wis +taking 10 or 20
Char +Rerolls


They are +5 to any action they effect.

Class is either a Die Bonus (D8 or D10)


There are Talents (which give an extra die you KEEP for a specific skill) or Profession (which gives an extra die you ROLL & keep ONLY the BEST for a group of skills)


PC's get an Die Explosion on 10's & 20's.

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