Sunday, July 26, 2009

Trailblazer House Rules

The Fighter will get a +2 to their Poor Save & gain 1 additional Combat Reaction at level 1.

The Bard gets to substitutue his Rank in each Perform skill whith 2 Skills chosen when he takes his 1st rank in that Perform skill.

Ex. Todd has 10 Ranks in Perform: Acting. He can use those Ranks in Bluff & Sense Motive.
He also has 10 Ranks in Perform: Singing. He can also use those Ranks in Intimidate & Listen.

Characters get 6 + 1/2 Level in Action Points & they are a Per Session Resource.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Action Points for Trailblazer

You gain 8 AP's per Session.

Uses for Action Points:

1 to automatically convert a threat to a Critical Hit

1 to refresh all Single Target Spells

1 to refresh all Multi-Target Spells

1 to refresh a single Major Spell (Polymorph, Wish, more as the GM needs to add them)

1 to regain 1/2 your total Hit Points

1 to reroll any Die Roll & keep the better of the two

1 for +1d8 damage

1 for +1d4 to Spell DC

1 to do something "Cool"

1 to refresh a used Spell Slot while in combat

1 to gain a Feat for 1 until the end of the round, you may gain Feats in chain this way if you have enough action points. The only prerequisite for Feats this way are other Feats & Level.

Generally one Action Point of each type may be used at one time.

Chapter 1

The crew are on there way to Greyhawk. The Pathfinders were asked by Arkterus to head there, since he cannot scry it.

While coming within the limits of Saltmarsh, they spot the greasy smoke of several fires. Sparkles investigates, sees the ruins of the city and a Wyvern dining on the remains of some its inhabitants. On his way back, he sees movement from the fields & here's moans. A zombie squad is fast approaching, guided by a Dust Mephit.

They dispatch the zombies & see the Mephit leading the Wyvern to attack.

The Wyvern kills Schaefer but they defeat it, even after it catches fire.

Soon after a black coach comes speeding up, driven by the Tall Man. Sparkles let's loose with a Fireball. The Tall man is unharmed, one of the inhabitants is instantly killed & the Chosen One is eventually slain.

They camp & continue their journey. Sparkles scouts further ahead & sees the remains of the defeat of an Arcanist & the siege on Tristor.

Trailblazer Class Preview Compilations

These are class Previews of Wulf Ratbane's Trailblazer 3.5 addon rules:




Unified Spell Progression, Wizard & Sorcerer






