Monday, July 13, 2009

Action Points for Trailblazer

You gain 8 AP's per Session.

Uses for Action Points:

1 to automatically convert a threat to a Critical Hit

1 to refresh all Single Target Spells

1 to refresh all Multi-Target Spells

1 to refresh a single Major Spell (Polymorph, Wish, more as the GM needs to add them)

1 to regain 1/2 your total Hit Points

1 to reroll any Die Roll & keep the better of the two

1 for +1d8 damage

1 for +1d4 to Spell DC

1 to do something "Cool"

1 to refresh a used Spell Slot while in combat

1 to gain a Feat for 1 until the end of the round, you may gain Feats in chain this way if you have enough action points. The only prerequisite for Feats this way are other Feats & Level.

Generally one Action Point of each type may be used at one time.

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