Thursday, November 05, 2009

D&D 4E

Rob & I were talking the other night & he was explaining his appreciation for 4E.

I think 4E is extrordinarily well-designed RPG. I also think if it were from another publisher & not D&D it would have been more universally praised. And if it were from an Indie publisher would have been the next darling of that scene.

However, my main problem isn't that 4E does anything to prohibit the role playing experience, its that its use of miniatures promotes a board game experience for me. 4E is not a board game, but its so laser focused in doing the D&D experience the best it can, it takes on some board game like attributes.

I think you can, with alot of work, remove miniatures from 4E. But its just as easy to play another game.

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